Monday, February 12, 2007

"How Obama Learned To Be A Natural"

That's the title of an interesting article on Obama from Salon that recounts his losing congressional race in 2000, and how he rebounded from this defeat by transforming his political style and rhetoric. The gist:

As a correspondent for the Chicago Reader, I covered Obama's 2000 campaign
to unseat Bobby Rush, the ex-Black Panther who's been a Democratic congressman
from Chicago's South Side since 1993. It's the only election Obama has ever
lost. As even one of his admirers put it, "He was a stiff." You think John Kerry
looked wooden and condescending on the campaign trail? You should have seen this
kid Obama. He was the elitist Ivy League Democrat to top them all. Only after
losing that race, in humiliating fashion, did he develop the voice, the style,
the track record and the agenda that have made him a celebrity senator, and a
Next President.

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